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  • Writer's pictureDanny Broe Architect

Sustainable paints and stains almost good enough to eat

Sustainable cottage renovation - Paints, lacquers and finishes. I have used only natural and low toxic paints and finishes. The majority of these come from the natural paint place. I don't agree with the almost hysterical fear of manufactured products and toxicity that some have but it makes logical sense to me to use natural and low toxicity paints. There are five reasons for this. 1) natural materials create less pollution during their manufacture 2) they are better for our health when we paint them on and live with them 3)they create less pollution when washing brushes and throwing out paint tins. 4) they smell nice and you can use the painted space immediately to sleep in or put a child in. 5) they look and feel beautiful

The water based paints I used are made mainly from clay, and the enamels I used have a citrus solvent (what the solids are dissolved in) rather than a petrochemical solvent. The clay paints have a beautiful matt finish. Check out the tins and some finished results. The oil on the floor is Livos Ardvos which is a great oil finish. Where to buy them.

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